12 Challenges – we solved for our BN4L customers in 2024
1. Message monitoring – Shift from Reactive to Proactive monitoring of message between SAP TM and BN4L.
One of our key customers faced a challenge that carriers are raising tickets after 10-15 days of shipment that they are not able to report POD or not able to create a dispute in BN4L. Support team analysis the tickets and found that messages are failing in BN4L-FC side and Carrier never got the document in the freight execution and Freight settlement tiles. On the other side, it is not a practical to regularly monitor “Manage integration logs” App in BN4L. NAV IT implemented the solution to monitor the logs in the background and notify the topic owner based on failure message. For example, we had a common error “Duplicate charge Type”, the monitoring tool identifies the topic owner and triggers an email to the topic owner with the with error detail. This smart solution simply changed the approach from “Reactive to Proactive” and improved the issue resolution efficiency by 40%.
2. Road shipment tracking
Tracking of shipments are very crucial for industries, like retail, bottlers, ecommerce, etc. Usually, customers buy small quantity and perishable products. Missing the delivery time of products impacts the profits as well as the brand value of the company. NAV IT has developed a solution for drivers which complements SAP GTT and provides following benefits-
- Transfer of TM route to driver/truck
- Planned vs Executed Route using same GIS provider
- Route visualization on Map
- Discrepancy reporting(Planned vs Actual delivered quantity)
- Add returns from the App
- Geofencing and smart geolocation update.
- Compatible with Android and iOS
- Quick onboarding of external truck
- Geofencing and smart geolocation update.
- Compatible with Android and iOS
- Quick onboarding of external truck
- No Visibility Provider required
- Proof of Delivery(Sign on Glass)
- Compatible with Android and iOS
- Works without telematics
- Access to Security codes or Store password
- Store contact person/other details
- Theft alert
3. AI based solution for visibility of Supplier managed shipments
Visibility on the inbound shipment is very important to optimize the logistics. Our customer faced following problems due to lack of inbound visibility:-
- Inefficient inventory management
- Supply chain disruptions
- Inability to optimize route
- Risk of regulatory Non-Compliance
- Reputation Damage, and many more.
In majority cases, supplier just provides a Bill of Lading(BOL) document via email. It is impossible for a Buyer to track each container on the website of the shipping lines. Our AI based solution(Pluto-BOL), enables the customer to start tracking of the shipment in Global track & track(SAP GTT) in less than 2 minutes. To know more, contact us.
4. Simplifying dispute handling for invoicing carrier
5. Multicurrency handling with BN4L
6. AI based extension to handle Nota fiscal information provided by carrier
7. AI based extension to support China Golden rule and handle
Point 4, 5, 6 and 7 can be handled by our AI based solution Pluto-Invoice. Many of our customer faced the problem that dispute handling for invoicing carrier is very challenging with BN4L, it become more problematic in case China Golden Tax rule and there is No solution for handling multiple currencies and for updating Nota Fiscal information from invoice to SAP. Our AI based solution (Pluto-Invoice) complements SAP BNL-FC to smoothly handle multi-currency disputes, Nota fiscal info updates and China’s Golden tax rule handling with minimum change management for the carrier. Contact us for information.
8. You are working with only one shipping line/Freight forwarder. Should you buy an expensive license of Visibility provider?
Many customers and prospects reached to us with a common problem that they are only using one shipping line for their shipment, does it make sense to pay for the visibility provider license along with SAP GTT. NAV IT has built a BTP based application to get the visibility of your shipments in SAP GTT.
9. Improve efficiency of Check in/out and loading/unloading operation by 40% using Orion-AI based App.
Old school solutions are costing a lot of money to many companies and therefore, we have built an AI based solution(Orion) to handle the gate operations with high efficiency and full compliance. Contact us to know more.
10. Guest Carrier functionality in BNL-FC doesn’t offer guest carrier to split or consolidate shipments? Our Pluto ChatBot will ease your life.
Guest carrier is a wonderful functionality of BNL-FC but some of our customers are expecting consolidation and splitting feature for guest carrier which is not planned in the near future as the BNL roadmap(30.09.2024). Our AI based ChatBot give guest carrier an option to consolidate or split the delivery and rebook the slot. If you are facing this problem, contact us for the solution.
11. AI solution for summarized invoice.
One of our customers is working with a shipping line which sends the Summarize invoices for all the shipped containers, but the customer wants the visibility on the item or container level. Our AI solution reads the invoice and transfers the data into right format to TM.
12. Is your carrier looking for the invoice remittance status?
Our simple Microsoft AI based ChatBot accessing data from SAP S/4HANA or ERP and enabling carrier to check the status of his/her invoice with right validations.
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