Deleting location in SAP TM

In this blog, I would like to highlight how we can delete or remove location master data in SAP Transportation Management

Before we start, let me explain what is the significance of location master data in TM.

A location in TM represents a place where the goods/resources are kept or maintained, such as source location, destination location or hubs, etc.

It is used to define the most basic transport network concept since it defines the source and destination of all the transportation.

We can define locations using the following transaction:

  • /n/SCMTMS/LOC3


location master data in SAP TM

To delete a location master data from SAP TM, we need to follow the below-mentioned steps: –

Step 1: – First, we need to check if any dependencies exist for the location by generating a Where-Used list.

Path: – Go to Location Master data à Click on More à Extras à Where-Used List.

Go to Location Master data

Step 2: – We need to eliminate all the dependencies that exist for the location.

Go to Location Master data


Step 3: – After we eliminate all the dependencies, select the delete check box for the location.

Path: Go to location Master data à click on More à Location à Delete flag

Set Deletion Flag

Step 4: – then, delete the location that has been flagged for deletion using the delete option.

Path: – Go to location Master data à click on More àExtras à Delete location.

flagged for deletion
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