Dear Readers,
Today we will see the importance of Control Key & Logistics Integration Profile in integration of SAP ERP Orders with internal SAP TM.

Figure 1
An activation of the ERP Document is done via a control key, which defines which document types should be integrated with SAP TM.
In internal TM component, the following documents can be integrated:
- Sales orders
- Purchase orders
- Stock transport orders
- Returns orders (for example, sales returns, vendor returns, and store returns)
- Outbound deliveries
- Inbound deliveries
The defined control key will be assigned during Activation of Integration of above mentioned Documents along with Logistics Integration Profile.
Logistics Integration Profile
When dealing with the internal TM component you can control the building of Freight Unit. Which is achieved by creating Logistics Integration Profile & assigning it to TM-relevant business document types.
IMG Config. Path: SPRO → Ref IMG → Transportation Management → Integration → Logistics Integration → Internal TM Component Integration → Define Logistics Integration Profile
Please refer the below Figure 2, we will create a Logistics Integration Profile “ZLIP”

Figure 2
1. You can see that we can assign FUBR to the Logistics Integration Profile, which is used when freight units are created for business documents. You can specify a condition to determine the freight-unit building rule.
2. There will be Automatic FUBR check by default.
3. You can specify a stage profile and stage profile condition to determine how the system creates stages for freight units. You can define which stage(s) will be built if the incoterm location is used for stage building
Prerequisite: Activation of the control key corresponding to the TM-relevant document.
You can refer to our previous blog where we have explained assignment of FUBR in document type.
Blog Link: Creation of Freight Units in SAP TM using Freight Unit Building Rule
Assigning Control Key & Logistics Integration Profile
After defining Control Key & Logistics Integration Profile you are all set to activate Integration of Documents.
We will see example of Sales Order integration here, please refer Figure 3
IMG Config. Path: SPRO → Ref IMG → Transportation Management → Integration → Logistics Integration → Internal TM Component Integration → Activate Integration of Sales Documents

Figure 3
We have entered the SalesArea, Distribution Channel, Division, Sales Document type, Shipping Condition, Control Key & Log. Int. Profile.
When you create Sales Order of entered doc type & Sales area, ultimate result will be Freight Unit creation in SAP TM.
In this blog you have seen the importance of Control Key & Logistics Integration Profile, & how system creates Freight Units in TM when these parameters are assigned with respective document type.